
It has been a long road, and it is only the beginning! My web designers and I have been working diligently over the past couple months to put together a site that is pleasing to the eye, user friendly, and most of all…a site that gives you a more personal experience with me, Tahlia!

I haven’t posted anything on the new site yet. There are still many things that need to be done. But when I do, I want to make sure that all my subscribers and followers still get my daily posts sent to them. So if you have not done so, please go check out and subscribe to the new self-hosted!

The new site will contain more video interviews, music, sports and entertainment posts. Of course I will through in some juicy gossip every now and again. 😉 I hope you all like what you see so far. Please recommend my blog to a family member or friend as well if you think they may enjoy it.

God Bless!


Categories: Breaking News, Fashion, Local News, Tahlia's Feature

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